Nikolay Feldman - codeniko
These are photos for search indexing. You're likely looking for the homepage.
Tap the photos on mobile for fun facts though!

Nikolay Feldman
He uses this photo everywhere. It's not even good...

Nikolay looking all cool
All the chicken is burnt though.

Nikolay Feldman + Marissa Mayer
Probably Nikolay's biggest achievement at Yahoo.

Can I look any more Russian?
Belarus consulates need to update their website with passport renewal instructions... No I wont call you to figure out how to renew my expired passport.

Nikolay snowboards!
He wiped out pretty hard after this...

Nikolay is vaccinated
Coronavirus is no joke...

Nikolay shops sometimes
He doesn't remember the last time he bought a t-shirt though.

Nikolay needs a hobby
This isn't it though, he's not talented enough to draw this...

Nikolay likes motorcycles
Fun fact: Niko bought his motorcycle the first day after landing in California after graduating Uni.

Is paypal hiring?
Nikolay gets interested in the weirdest of things

Niko was so cute, what happened?
It was on this day that I realized Nodejs is the only real dev language.